Search graduate:

Ahmad Hussein

  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Interior Architecture
  • ma
  • Peak Moment in Interior Architecture: Individual Place-making for Low Peak Moment
  • Tutor(s): Gregor Taul / Veiko Liis

Contemporary lifestyle seems to lack spiritual aspects. People have lost the desire of having joyful, meditating and emotional activities because of sped-up life rhythm. This has decreased the visibility of spiritual architecture as people have abandoned temples, churches and mosques. In a way, ritual architecture has been replaced by the mass-produced residential, commercial and industrial buildings. My thesis aims to reverse this situation with small-scale initiatives, by ritualising trivial or neglected spaces into spiritual places where one can reach a highly emotional sense of mind, i.e. the peak moment.

Thus, this master’s thesis proposes to turn daily activities into spiritual moments. By urging to rediscover childhood curiosity in the daily environment, I propose simple but profound solutions to turn one’s window sills into DIY ritual pavilions where one can experience peak moments forgotten since childhood.

Keywords: Abraham Maslow, architecture and spirituality,  Juhani Pallasmaa, pavilion architecture and design, peak moment.

Kaasegse elustiili juures on vähenenud spirituaalne pool enda aspektidega. Teatud mõttes, on rituaalne arhitektuur asendunud massiliselt toodetavate eramu-, äri- ja tööstushoonetega. Ahmadi magistritöö üritab sellele vastandudes luua väiksemahulisi algatusi ritualiseerides triviaalseid või hüljatud ruume spirituaalseteks kohtadeks, kus ruumi kasutaja võiks jõuda kõrgesse emotsionaalsesse seisundisse ehk haripunkti.

Theoretical framework

Towards Designing Peak Moments
Online Survey

Towards Designing Peak Moments
Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn (Estonian Academy of Arts)

Design recipe (DIY) at the library of EKA
Low peak moment performing at EKA

Final design development
Different fabric proposals – library of the Estonian Academy of Arts